A story of divine intervention in our time.
The life of Sue Kidd Shipe-Hart, also known as Moriah
Her childhood friends know her as Suzie, and her story began very early with a compelling interest in and desire for spirituality. By the age of 10, she wanted to be baptized, and at age 16 had her first recognized spiritual experience linked to the passing of her dear Grandfather. By age 35, her life forced upside down by the break in her marriage, she turned even more toward her spirituality, looking for a sign that she was to go to seminary. When no sign appeared, she started her next chapter as a single mom with three children, and a new career in education.
Near the graduation of her third child from high school, yet another chapter began with a deep immersion into spiritual experience and growth. At this time she began to clearly see her own spiritual path defined. She began receiving sacred texts that are now, after 24 years, being made public.
This story of the divine reception of sacred texts is only shared to give the reader the opportunity to understand their context. It is the actual sacred texts, “The New Message of Love” that will bring new definition, perspective, and a broader understanding of our next step in understanding the Universe in all itʼs magnificence. It is her hope as the Messenger for the Teachers of Love, a group of Angels who have prepared and delivered these Messages, that you will fall in love with Love; that you will see the emptiness and pain of the world, and choose to follow Love.
“Wherever I go, They are with me. Wherever you go, you are never alone. The illusion of being alone in a volatile world is the basis for all fear. Follow Love to experience love.”
ʻLove is alI I seek, all I experience, all I express. This is the joy I wish for you.ʼ